Back to the Topic of Our Fight

Back to the topic of our fight…I don’t even know Denise and Vickie’s last names, Mom. I’d have no way to get in touch with them if something did happen. The fact that you believe, in your heart of hearts, that I am out to get you and sending spies to follow you and check … [Read more…]

To Mom, What Dara and I Need in Order to Visit You

– I need a space large enough to turn around while carrying a baby, a diaper bag and a suitcase without knocking precious knick-knacks off of shelves and walls.I need space to layout and open a suitcase and space for the same where the baby is sleeping. – Dara needs to be able to move … [Read more…]

Erdrich Inspiration

Then I ask, suddenly shy “Did you love him?”“Of course.” She’s looking down at her hands. “Inordinately, foolishly” she whispers, then looks up at me. “But that is the way people should be loved”

Talk with a Privileged White Guy

I definitely did not bring my best self to that argument and name-calling is low. This One Privileged White Guy (OPWG) was right on that front. But when you, the OPWG, tell me you’re going to host a party, for the express purpose of telling people to wear whatever offensive costume they want, as a … [Read more…]

Forgive Me Preach

For now or compartmentalized for later. But know I tried.Two things about me, Preach:The first can be a good thing. Once I see the path I think I need to go down, I have a really hard time getting off it (pit bull/teeth)… Usually I’m great at taking people with me. My bosses love me … [Read more…]

Family – As Mom Gets (very finally) Sick

Hi there dear familyI really am so grateful for all of your communication and support this is all so very bizarre and overwhelming otherworldly it’s like watching myself function and another world. I arrive in Connecticut on Wednesday night I’ll see Mom on Thursday morning. And we’ll see how far I get cleaning and straightening her … [Read more…]

Re Civil Discourse: Gloria Steinem & Dave Chappelle on empathy, ocytocin, screwing up and authenticity

In response to Jane Finette’s article, “The Unravelling of Civil Discourse in America” It seems a lifetime since we were at Mozilla. It’s a pleasure to read the launch of “Common Ground”, thank you for putting your thoughts out there on such a relevant and timely topic.I’ll take on the homework assignment, and happily share anything … [Read more…]

The Teller of Tales (La Contadora)

Gabriela Mistral – 1889-1957 translated by Ursula K. Le Guin     When I’m walking, everythingon earth gets upand stops me and whispers to me,and what they tell me is their story. And the people walkingon the road leave me their stories,I pick them up where they fellin cocoons of silken thread.     Stories run through my bodyor … [Read more…]

An Invitation to Brave Space

Micky Scottbey Jones Together we will create brave space Because there is no such thing as a “safe space” We exist in the real world We all carry scars and we have all caused wounds. In this space We seek to turn down the volume of the outside world, We amplify voices that fight to … [Read more…]