– I need a space large enough to turn around while carrying a baby, a diaper bag and a suitcase without knocking precious knick-knacks off of shelves and walls.I need space to layout and open a suitcase and space for the same where the baby is sleeping.
– Dara needs to be able to move around safely and be able to freely explore
She can now push chairs over and climb on top of them to reach what is on countertops and tabletops. She is capable now of seeing how things fit together. This means that anything she can reach, she tries to pull apart: ornaments, knives, stacked plates, toys, curtains, electric cords, candles, piles of books… if she can reach it, she’ll pull it apart and try to fit it back together.
– I need to be able to open the windows and let in fresh air and light, the mildew smell is overwhelming to me. I quite literally only ever use an inhaler when I am at your house. I’m happy to call the pest guy you liked and have him exterminate. Maybe he can also add the clips I sent to the window or recommend another way to keep the windows from sliding down
– I need a commitment from you that you are not going to pick fights with me