Its as if we live in different worlds

And I suppose we do in a way. Isn’t class as much a separator as language, religion? Hasn’t poverty and wealth become that thing which divides us? I think the culture of poverty is what divides mom from everyone else in life. That combined with mental illness. Its hard to tell.
Has she seen London? I honestly do not know. I know she went to Curacao that one time, with Peter, Marianne’s brother.. Her friend from new jersey,the dutch one. I wonder whatever happened with him. Or gutam, or Klaus… Who was the one who gave me tiddly winks? And why all these foreigners? Or remember the one with the creepy son? The one who installed my dollhouse…
I don’t know where she’s been… I suppose I never really asked.
I guess that’s a question for my mom… Did she like Curacao? What her favorite place she’s been?
Favorite horseback ride taken? Has she been to London? I’ll have to share my pictures and send along the chocolate and shortbread cookies. I should plan out some gifts to send regularly…. Like one a month… $100 each
Grocery store gift cards
Costco membership
Home depot gift card
Walmart gift card
Gas card
Herbal supplements
These wouldn’t be traceable  as income right? That might be the best idea…
Wow .
I’m all over the place with this post. Holy shit.