New Story Outline

Two people in the same creche for most of their lifetime. (Best friends little brother) 6 years age difference (enough of an age difference to matter when you’re young – but not as much when you grow into adulthood…) vignettes of their meetings over the years, and finally together at the end. (reminds me of if danny syme and i had ever got it going as adults – maybe he grows up to be a firefighter?)Plot points:
  1. meet when he’s a baby. she’s 6. she holds him wrapped and swaddled for the first time. she’s sitting with her new easter shoes sticking out. she’s been watching her new easter shoes for weeks not paying attention to her best friend and their arriving baby. sits on the couch looking at her easter shoes, then best friends mom puts the little baby into her lap. she’s transfixed. easter shoes are gone – best friend is pouting, wanting attention she’s not getting from parents, from friends, from her. present: both sets of parents, baby, best friend, the girl, other various aunties etc
  • hide n’ seek. playing in the neighborhood fort with best friend. trying to escape the pesky little brother.
  • his parents die – they share at the funeral.
  • day in the general store in their small town. mop fight with his coworker on the farm. he stares at her across the room, the look on his face plain as plain. he wants her then. she meets the stare.
  • visits his sister in college (the best friend and the girl go to the same college)
  • visits on his own in grad school, hooks up with a classmate… gives her a taste for him, if not directly
  • facebook find, phone affair.
  • story ends in the car heading home from the airport. she has picked him up and he is moving out.. gave up his pension for her